Got-It-Done-ListI don’t know about you, but my to do list seems to be getting longer and longer these days, and some days things seem to be pretty overwhelming. That was the case last week before I remembered something I used to do regularly–create a “got it done” list.
Why is it so easy to focus on the mountain of tasks we have in front of us and so very difficult to give ourselves credit for how far we’ve come? I grabbed a cup of coffee (a glass of wine would work too) took out my trusty fountain pen, ripped a clean sheet of paper out of my journal, and began to write. When I was finished, I felt recharged and ready to take on the world. Want to try it? Here’s how:
Pick a category of your life where you feel overwhelmed. Make a list of everythingyou’ve accomplished in that area or toward that goal so far. Count everything, including graduating from school, getting a credential, booking your first client, or even getting a business card. Special skills like learning watercolor or keeping a journal practice count as do lessons you’ve learned along the way. Title the list, “How Far I’ve Come,” and draw or paste gold stars next to each item. 

If your inner nag shows up during the process, politely and firmly show her to the door and keep writing. And very important: When you’re finished, do something to celebrate yourself for all your hard work.

Trust me on this one–writing a “got it done” list is a real rejuvenator! I’d love to hear how it works out for you!